Will and Mindy Curtis

Friday, July 26, 2013

28 things in 28 years

Next Friday I will be Turing 29. I used to be scared of getting older. Seriously, there was a fear. However, I have come to realize that getting older has good aspects. I'm becoming wiser. I think. The past year, I have learned a lot about myself and about how life really is. In honor of the end of my 28th year, I will list (because lists are awesome) 28 things I've learned...the good and bad. 

1. Life isn't fair. I think I even used that statement during this past year. It isn't fair. Why do bad things happen to good people? Why do innocent children get sick and die? Why did my granddaddy not beat cancer completely and others do? Why, why, why...I don't have an answer but I have made a promise to myself to live every single day with no regrets. 
2.  I'm a good mom. I think every single day something happens that makes me doubt myself. It's all lies because I am good. I'm going to make mistakes but that's ok. 
3. I love being married to my best friend. There is something about waking up every morning knowing that he's got my back. He knows how to make me laugh when I'm feeling down. He is such an encourager. 
4. Friendships change. This has been very hard for me to deal with. I knew after Will and I got married, some friendships would be slightly affected. But when I got pregnant, things changed so much. And since Camille has been born, our friend list has decreased. It hurts but I can't dwell on it. Look at everything I do have! 
5. New friends are good. While Will and I have seen some friendship weaken, we have gained to friends. We have met some amazing couples (and singles) in our church. They have a special place in my heart. 
6. Home is good. I have always been a person that loved to go and do. However, I'm happy being at home the majority of the time. I like to visit, but I love being at home with my little family. Plus, traveling with a baby isn't always enjoyable. Would you want to be strapped in a carseat for hours?? I don't blame her if she cries. 
7. The grass isn't always greener. Everyone has issues, no matter how pretty they look from the outside. 
8. I love to cook. Five years ago, I was the woman catching the stove on fire cooking spaghetti noodles. Now, I love it. And I love to try new things. 
9. Sleep isn't that important. I've realized how little sleep I can function on. 
10. Good things really do come when we wait. I'm watching things fall into place every day. I will continue to try to wait patiently. 
11. People play favorites...even family. It's true. I've seen it with my own eyes. 
12. I'm going to be a minivan mom. No lie. We've already started looking...and I'm a little excited. 
13. Life is not a completion. Why is everyone trying to outdo everyone else? Just be happy with what you have. This applies to me too. 
14. Skinny should not be the goal in our lives...healthy is what we need. Stop trying to be something your aren't. 
15. Big crowds and extremely loud music...stupid. I don't want that many people touching me or my ears ringing for days. I'm too old for that. 
16. Baby cuddles are the best. Period. There is nothing better than Camille resting on my chest or taking a little nap with her in the afternoons. 
17. Rap music is dumb. I just don't understand why I used to like it....maybe the beat??
18. Becoming a mother has changed me as a teacher. As teachers, we like to treat our students like little machines. They should do this, they should be acting like this, they should sit down and not talk for the entire class. Little machines. While at the beginning if motherhood, I was doing that with Camille. She should be eating this amount, she should be sleeping, etc. When I discovered I was treating her like a machine, I realized I do the same thing with students. They are little humans....not robots. 
19. Teaching is not about test scores. Teaching is about helping those kids through anything, not just the standards. Those children need to know we care about them. 
20. I don't need an hour and a half to get ready anymore...ain't nobody got time for that. 
21. I'm stronger than I thought. I mean, I did grow a baby. 
22. Racism is still everywhere. Why can't we all just be people? 
23. I'm a lot more tolerate of those that are different. I grew up in a very small town and didn't see the different lifestyles that people live. While I may not always agree with the way people live, I will still love the person they are. I will teach my children that type of tolerance as well. 
24. Children's clothes are way too overpriced. She grows so fast and wears some outfits once. Why would I spend that much money on such a little piece of material? Does she want diapers and formula or clothes?? 
25. Will and I both have awesome families. Some people aren't that blessed...I try my best not to take it for granted. 
26. No matter where I live or how long I'm away, Hawkinsville will always be "home". I doubt we will ever move back, but that's my home and where I grew up. 
27. I'm probably never going to be a Pinterest mom. Sometimes I'm jealous of these moms that seem to have the perfect everything. Most likely, that will not be me. Maybe I will surprise myself. 
28. I have The Lord to thank for everything I have been given. I will continue to thank him and praise him. It just keeps getting better. 

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