Will and Mindy Curtis

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Camille Anne

I loved being pregnant. I loved feeling our sweet baby girl move every day. But I loved labor and delivery even more. Sounds insane, right? The pain was rough...not going to lie. But the anticipation is something that I will never be able to explain.

On March 18 at 11:31 AM, I gave birth to a healthy, 6lb 5oz, baby girl. She decided to arrive 2 1/2 weeks early and has been doing her own thing ever since. It's hard to believe its been five weeks. I can't remember what life was like before she was here. In these five weeks I have learned a lot...and I've got a lot left to learn.

People give you advice. Lots of advice. People tell you what to expect. However, nothing can really prepare you for parenthood. These are a few things I have figured out for myself.

1. It's ok to be completely clueless. Our parents didn't have a manual either....and we survived.
2. It's ok to stay in your pajamas all day at least once a week. You may add a day or two if necessary.
3. It's ok if your house isn't clean all the time. If someone comes to visit, they are looking at the baby, not your dirty dishes.
4. It's ok to not be on a schedule immediately. You and your child are both learning...it will come with time.
5. It's ok to cry. Sometimes there isn't anything you can do...
6. It's ok to NOT follow the many pieces of advice you are given. Trust your instincts...
7. It's ok to become a proud parent and brag about your baby 24/7. I mean, you created perfection, right??

I could continue on and on...and maybe I will on another blog but my brain is tired. This is day #4 without a nap and its catching up with me. Here are a few of my favorite pictures...

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